Having picked the group facilitators before hand, the groups should generally be picked randomly in week 1 and then keep to that small group for the entire course wherever possible.

The main vision of the small groups is for people to share, listen and learn from each other based on the daily digs from the previous week.

A good way to do this is to take it a day at a time (without putting people on the spot so general sharing rather than going around the group person by person).

A possible question could be; " who would like to share on their insights whilst praying through monday's verses?" etc.

Please do stress that it is ok to have missed some of the 'digging' and encourage them to listen and to enter into any discussions where possible.

At the end of each session urge people to make time for the next week's prayerful study time and say a prayer asking the Holy Spirit for the gift of perseverance.

Remind them to bring their journals to the small group session.

It is also important that people have a Bible from week 1 (these can be ordered inexpensively sale-or-return from Goodnews Books as detailed in the journal).

Do remind any new to Scripture study to watch the short 'Finding your way around the Bible' clip found on the Download or DVD.